Saturday, February 20, 2010


Today is the day. 

I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time.  For myself, really... just to express my thoughts and feelings.  My life is about to change drastically, and writing about it may be a way for me to release stress, and share my experiences and thoughts and feelings with anyone who is willing to listen. 

I will be 25 years old next week.  That means I'm officially in my mid-twenties.  A milestone in the journey that is life.  I realize now that milestones involving age just mean I'm getting older.  Which isn't always a bad thing, considering some of the most amazing moments in my life are yet to come. 

I have an amazing husband, Shane, who inspires me to become something more.  We got married in September of 2008 and my, how time flies.  We have a 2-year old dog named Hank, who fits our personalitiles extremely well.  Hank is quirky and weird but when he looks at me with those big brown eyes, my heart melts. 

Our home is a work in progress.  We are getting ready to start a master bedroom "remodel."  By remodel, I mean, we're going to actually do something with it - after living here for almost 2-years.  I'm sure I will have much to share during that process.  It's my birthday present from Shane!  I get to pick everything out.  I was (and still am) very excited, but the task of picking out paint, and making decisions involving duvets, and headboards, and curtains is daunting.  I have a picture in my head of how I want it to look, and I have to remind myself it may turn out differently, and that's okay!  It will be a perfect expression of us, and I am excited to see how it turns out. 

I graduate in December with a degree in Business Management.  I've been going to school since 2003 and have had my struggles.  It is so exciting to see the end of this journey in sight.  It is scary to think that a long chapter in my life is coming to a close, but incredible to think of the new one that will begin.  This is the main reason I wanted to start this blog.  I wanted to have a place to express my thoughts, and share my triumphs. 

Much more to come...